Pregnancy Update

Maternity Photos

Alright, so I've been pretty horrible at updating this space but this pregnancy fatigue thing mixed with buying and moving into a new house and all the changes with work stuff has been pretty tiring! But I'm finally getting around to a preggo update. 

How far along:  27 almost 28 weeks. Yikes! We are almost to the third trimester and we have yet to buy anything... okay, anything but a muslin swaddle blanket, and a crib sheet. Good news is I have moved a dresser and a rug into his room. I consider that a win in my book. Any other mamas get their things in order last minute? 

Total weight gain/loss: Total weight gain so far has been about 18 pounds. Don't even know why I'm posting that but let's just say for memories? 

Maternity clothes: Yes, yes, and yes. It's also summer here in ABQ so let's just say I don't wear pants the majority of the time and if you don't believe me just ask G! If you're like me and live somewhere where maternity clothes are limited check out (also awesome for non preggos!) Their maternity section is super cute! I would however, size up! Normally I go with my pre-baby size but those were a little snug so one size up seemed to do the trick! They also do free returns so if you're really just not feeling it the return postage is already included in your package! Easy peasy!

Sleep: Okay, this part has been rough. Before pregnancy i was primarily a back sleeper, on occasion I would sleep on my stomach but never and I mean never on my side so getting used to this whole SOS thing has been pretty miserable. I have the Boppy, the larger one that supports your head, thighs, and ankles but G says his back has never felt better after using it so most nights i give it to him. 

Best moment this week: The best moment this week was probably shooting a maternity shoot for another preggo mom-to-be! I was smiling the whole time while editing their photos because 1. they were cute and 2. I am so excited for them! Be on the lookout for their session on the blog soon!  

Symptoms: Fatigue & extreme hunger (forever snacking) I also haven;t grasped the concept of several small meals throughout the day. I still stuff my face every meal.  

Food cravings: For the longest time I was only craving salty things but now I'm getting back to my normal self craving a pastry after every meal... including breakfast. Okay, in addition to that I am in some serious need of a Costco cheese danish. Matter of fact ill just take the whole 2 packs they make you buy. 

Food aversions: None! Give me all the foods! 

Gender: We're having a boy!

Labor signs: At some point I'm supposed to start having braxton hicks, but I haven't felt anything just yet! 

Belly button in or out: Half in half out? My belly button is being weird the top part sticks out but the bottom part is stubborn. 

What I miss: Uh what don't I miss? Being able to lift everything and bend down in a normal fashion. Being able to easily roll over in bed, I miss my limbs not going numb, my smallish boobs (sorry not sorry, these things have gotten massive), and just overall having energy. I also have the weirdest stretch marks all over my bum! Give me back my regular bum please!

What I'm looking forward to: This bebe to come out! But in all seriousness I am looking forward to being a parent with G, I know it's going to be different and difficult at times, but I think we are going to tackle it together and have a lot of fun. 

Milestones: Pretty sure he had hiccups today, finally got around to taking a few maternity pics, and I officially need assistance when getting up from a sitting position on the floor, or bed, or couch, 

Bump: Not too big, not too small I'd say? But i'm guessing in the coming weeks I'll start to pack on the pounds. 

Alright, so there's a relatively brief update on the bump. Hoping to share more about what I've been struggling with throughout this pregnancy but haven't quite found the words yet. 
