Sunflower Flamenco Session

I'm the type of person who switches gears often. One moment I'm designing custom planners, the next I am making furniture, and lately I have been diving head first into photography. I've been taking photos for a couple of years now but never really "live subjects" and I've never felt comfortable in my skills to photograph anyone besides my family. I had the opportunity to shoot maternity photos for two different couples this past month and I am now in love with capturing moments through photography. My favorite part aside from the actual shoot itself is sending the photos over to the couples. I get so excited that we were able to capture such a special moment in time. You may have noticed that the MB Styled site is a little bit different. There is no longer a shop where you can purchase custom planners. That is because I am moving in a different direction career wise and wanted to explore options that I can take with me on the road. I will be sharing more about this new journey later, but for now I am going to enjoy taking photos and learning more about the world of photography. Here are some photos from a recent shoot I did for my sister in one of her flamenco performance costumes.
