What we love for months 2-5 with our baby!

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Wow! Time is flying by, we are going into almost seven months of Grayson being here with us! I had planned to post this around four months but time slipped away so here it is! These past few months have been some of the most exciting and exhausting we've experienced so far but I wouldn't trade them for the world. I wanted to share some of the things G and I have found super helpful for these long days and even longer nights with Gray! 


First up...

Hanes Bra

After Gray was born I struggled to find a comfortable nursing bra or just a comfy bra in general. I went to target one day and stumbled across this beauty... okay it's not much to look at but it's so silky soft and so comfy for your postpartum boobs. I wear this bra a lot (I should probably just stock up and buy more) so naturally I use it when I nurse. I just simply lift up from the bottom, super easy! I was only able to find my size in black but amazon has a bunch of different fun colors! You can find them here! Fair warning though this is definitely a lounge type bra, it doesn't give the support I need to wear cute tops or shirts without looking like a have a uni-boob but the comfort for me outweighs all that! 


Crane Drop Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier

Just after Christmas Gray came down with a cold, here in NM our air is super dry so a humidifier is a must. We had bought a super expensive, giant humidifier which worked well for its first couple months until we started to notice it wasn't working as well. We took apart the humidifier when we decided to change the filter and found it was crusty and starting to get moldy. After that we went out and bought a different type of humidifier this time one without a filter. The Crane Drop Humidifier has worked well so far and is super easy to clean with white vinegar. We turn this on just after bath time at night and it stays on until the morning. 

Key Fit Caddy

This has been our most recent purchase and I love it! We bought the Chicco Key Fit 30 carseat a few months before Gray was born after recommendations from friends and family. The Key Fit Caddy is a stroller frame where you are able to simply click in the carseat and be on your way. Before we bought this we were lugging Gray and the carseat to and from the car and shopping carts in the store. It folds and unfolds super easy and is really light. It does take up a decent amount of space in the trunk but its convienence out weighs that part in my opinion. Most carseat brands have a snap and go carseat option so if you have a different brand definitely look into one that is compatible with your carseat. 

Zip Up Footie Pajamas 


We struggled for weeks over what to put Gray to sleep in. For a while we were just doing a onesie, socks and a swaddle but found that he got too cold. We then moved to a onesie pants and socks but he didn't seem comfortable. Finally we moved to cotton footed pajamas and they have worked great! I only keep him in the pajamas at night and in the morning we change to a different outfit to let him know that once the pajamas are on it's time for bed (ha! at least that's my theory). We also have the snap versions but those are a huge pain in the butt when you're dealing with a 2am diaper change. 

The Wonder Weeks App


I learned about this app shortly after Gray was born and I love it! It helps you understand the developmental progress your new babe will go through and when to expect them. So far they've been pretty spot on, it's been fun reading about what to expect and then actually happening! I bought the e-book that goes along with the book but unless you're looking for a late night nursing read the app will give you all the info you need! 

The Cradle App


This is another iPhone app that I discovered a while back but it hasn't been of use until now. This app has a few really neat features. The first is a white noise type feature where you can basically create your own white noise. Our go to is Ocean + Chill-out. I put this on for bedtime and naps during the day and so far it's worked great! (by great I mean it gets him sleepy, making a great nap time/bedtime cue) They also have lullabies and the option to record your own shushing sound if that works better for your baby! They have several different animations with music that make a good distraction when you are trying to work with a squirmy baby. I use the 'animation' feature when I am sucking out snot from his nose. Thanks NoseFrida!

The Happy Song

The #SoundofHappy? We've cracked it! We've created the world's first scientifically tested song to make babies happy - The Happy Song! Smile and sing along with your little one. Featuring Music - Imogen Heap - The Happy Song

Last but not least is the happy song. I've put this song on a few times in the car when Gray gets fussy and it's worked every time! Every baby is different but it's worth a shot putting this in your arsenal of baby soothing tricks!  

The first few months of your babies life can be some of the most trying. I remember being so overwhelmed and so exhausted but happy to have this sweet little boy to care for all at the same time. No matter what products or methods you use for your baby know that you're doing a great job! Every parent and baby is different and what works for us might not neccesarily work for you.. and thats totally okay! Just keep at it mama! Eventually you will find what works best for you and your little one. Enjoy this time, and give yourself some grace you are a great mom! (and dads too!). 


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