The 5 Functional Decor Items You Really Need In Your Nursery

It's a common misconception that you need all. the. things. when it comes to decorating and prepping a nursery for your new baby. I'm guilty of thinking this way, but I am glad we decided to hold off on completely finishing Gray's room until after he was here. When babies are really small they have a tendency to get over stimulated very easily, that was the case with Gray: I learned the hard way what we really needed to include in his room. The good news? You can have an amazingly gorgeous nursery that doesn't cost a fortune, but makes a big impact. 

THE 5 FUNCTIONAL DECOR ITEMS YOU REALLY NEED IN YOUR NURSERY from Planning out your nursery decor doesn't have to be stressful or expensive! Here are five pieces that will make a big impact in your room and bonus! They all serve as doub…


1. Blackout curtains. We bought blackout curtains about three months after Gray was born and it was a night and day difference when it came to nap time and bedtime. I was putting him down to nap in his room with the blinds closed but that still left a lot of light filtering in through the cracks which sent wake time cues to Gray and left me begging for just five minutes of alone time to choose between warming up a meal or taking a shower. Invest in some quality blackout curtains, and you won't regret it...I promise. We bought extra long ones which we hung an inch from the ceiling and drop all the way to the floor. They work triple duty blocking out the light, keeping the room cool, and making a big impact in the overall appearance of his room. 

2. A larger sized neutral rug. I bought this rug originally for his playroom, but I am moving it into his room to help pull everything together. It's amazing how much of a statement a simple floor covering can make! What I love about a neutral rug is 1. it can add color without being too in your face, 2. it doubles as a playtime area, and 3. you can layer a smaller (more inexpensive) rug on top that can be easily swapped out as your style changes and your baby grows! 

3. A simple crib. Okay, so it's inevitable that you're going to need a crib, but it's such a big part of a nursery that you can't help but think of it as a decor piece. There are so many crib options out there it can be overwhelming, but I'm here to tell you that simple and inexpensive is the way to go! As long as it's a safe space for your baby to sleep they won't mind that you chose a basic crib for their room. Keeping the crib simple and neutral also allows us to use it in the future if we decide to add another baby into the mix. 

4. A personalized touch. It is their room after all and soon they'll begin to recognize what's theirs and what you have picked out special for them. The Letter Loop is that perfect functional decor item because it grows with your baby! Think a couple years down the road when you are teaching them all about the different letters in their name and how to spell it. The Letter Loop acts as that fun and functional tool to help them learn their name. 

5. Board books. Books in general are a great thing to get for your baby, but i'm learning that board books can stand the test of time, drool, and the occasional dog nibble. Having an assortment of board books can bring color and interest to a shelf or dresser top and also serve in the functional department when it comes to playtime with your baby. I like to keep these fun books on Gray's shelves: we take them out and read them in the mornings when he gets up. The interactive features on these books hold his attention and are fun for me to play with and read too!

 A few well thought out pieces can make your nursery a space that you and baby both enjoy. What are some of the decor items that serve double duty in your little one's room?