My Support System: Surviving The Tough Days as a Flight Attendant



After two days of trying to commute home I finally made it on a plane and landed back in Albuquerque. Just a few days ago I was in tears, distraught about not being able to get on a flight home knowing every minute spent at home was precious because I'd have to leave again shortly after. G picked me up with a smile on his face and the kindest understanding eyes even though I know his least favorite thing is driving all the way to the airport at all hours of the day to get me. Being the husband of a flight attendant or the spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend or family of a flight attendant can be physically and emotionally taxing. We don't know when we'll be home and the times we are home go by so quickly. G and I are slowly getting the hang of it after a rough start. We were frustrated, tired, and missing each other. But despite all that we are stronger than ever. There are so many things I admire G for. His love for his family, his ability to stay strong in tough times, his understanding, I could go on and on. Leaving is difficult and despite finding some sort of routine it never gets easier. He is my support system and without him I wouldn't be able to do this job. Before leaving today he told me "it's very rare that someone finds something they love to do and you love this job so I think you should continue to do it." He then proceeded to say "until we have kids then take a break, then go and do it again" lol and that's just another reason why I love him. To all those out there who are struggling, who are hurting and missing their spouse or significant other I am right there with you. Cherish the moments you have together because they go away all too quickly. 


